速報APP / 財經 / Xuldime Parent (Official)

Xuldime Parent (Official)





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Xuldime Parent (Official)(圖1)-速報App

LipaMobile (‘Lipa’ Swahili for ‘make payment’) is the fast and easy online mPayment platform to securely send and receive mobile money across all networks in Uganda.

Xuldime Parent (Official)(圖2)-速報App

It offers a simple and secure cashless service with complete financial management system and access from which individuals;

Xuldime Parent (Official)(圖3)-速報App

Send 'Instant Mobile Money to All Networks in No time' to an individuals or organizations creditors, employees, suppliers, disburse petty cash, in Uganda anytime, from anywhere on your computers or mobile device such as a smart phone or ipad.

Xuldime Parent (Official)(圖4)-速報App

Receive Instant payment from an individuals or organizations debtor’s; for goods & services fees, etc via Mobile Money from All networks in Uganda.

It is very suitable for both the private individual on the go and thecommercial enterprise managing numerous pay-ins or a numerous yet frequent low amount payroll payouts.